Our focus is
on values.

Let us tell you why.
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welcome to Point of Value

Values are at the core of who we are,
for both individuals and organisations.

Values are not visible but they affect our daily decisions and activities. In successful organisations the values of the organisation and those of its people are aligned. This is called value congruence.

With our tool and method you can support both individuals and groups to have more clarity of their personal values which contributes to increased motivation, improves the working atmosphere and increases the effeciency of the entire operation.

To attain value congruence, one needs to work with both the Individual, the Group and the Organisation.

The Individual.

Clarity and knowledge of our own values ​​make it easier to prioritize and make decisions. It is also crucial for leaders' credibility.

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The Group.

In order to achieve congruence between the individual and the organisation, an intermediate, necessary step is needed. That step is about trust and communication and it starts in the group or team.

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The Organisation.


A value-driven organisation ensures and enables employees to link their personal values ​​and driving forces to the purpose of the organisation.

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what we do

What is value congruence about?

For an organisation, value congruence is about how well the personal and organisational values are aligned. On a personal level, value congruence is about how we want to live our lives and how we actually live our lives.

A prerequisite for strong value congruence is that we have clarity and understanding of both our own personal values and the organisation's values. When there are major differences between our personal values ​​and the organisation's values, this results in attitudes and priorities that negatively affect motivation and results. This leads to dissatisfaction, stress and high staff turnover, resulting in higher direct and indirect costs.

Value congruence can be measured, and the result of such a study also shows where in the organisation initiatives can be taken to increase congruence.

Measurements of the value congruence can, for example, also be used in recruitment. How well do the organisational values ​​and the applicant's personal values ​​match?

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Congruence & Incongruence.

The goal is to create coherence between the individual, the group and the organisation.


interactive tool.

The first step towards value congruence.

We offer a modern, interactive tool for ranking values ​​on the web.

Value.Online is a unique, interactive, cloud-based tool for ranking personal values. It is neither a test or an analysis. You simply rank what is important and this generates an overview map of which values ​​are most important and really matter to you right now.

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Point of Value - Vårt interaktiva verktyg.



The ranking consists of 128 values ​​and takes about 30 minutes to do.



Map the core values ​​for increased insight and understanding.



Act to increase the congruence on both a personal level and in the relationship between the person and the organisation.

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Our services.

Our value process Value Basic Process is the basis for all our services. Please contact us for a conversation about how we can tailor a layout that suits you and your organisation.

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Organisational values & culture.

We offer a process of deliberately creating an organisational culture that supports the purpose, strategies and goals of the business.

The value-driven board.

Give your board the right conditions to lead a value-driven organisation.

Culture Due Diligence.

How can you consciously create a new organisational culture at times of big change, for example mergers?

Personal development & coaching.

Start from your personal values ​​to develop your leadership.

Kick-start for new teams & projects.

Give the new team the right conditions to succeed.


How do you know that those who seek the position have values ​​that are in line with the organisation?


Why work with values?

Research shows that people who have insight and knowledge of their own personal values ​​are more committed and motivated - both in their private life and at work. If you can also find coherence between your own values ​​and the workplace, the effect is even greater. Stress and anxiety associated with work is reduced. Leaders who have insight into both their personal and organisational values are perceived to be more credible and they find it easier to make decisions.

Point of Value - Ökat engagemang och motivation i organisationen.

Increased commitment and motivation in the organisation.

Point of Value - Lättare att prioritera och ta medvetna beslut för alla i organisationen.

Easier to prioritise
and make conscious decisions for everyone in the organisation.

Point of Value - En organisations-kultur som främjar verksamhetens mål och syfte.

An organisational culture that promotes the goals and purpose of the business.

Point of Value - Lägre personalomsättning.

Lower staff turn-over.

Point of Value - Ett bättre socialt klimat bland medarbetarna.

Better social climate among employees.

Point of Value - Mer hälsosam arbetsmiljö.

More healthy
working environment.


Our latest updates and news.

Our customers and partners work with values in many different ways and situations. In the article series Value Stories, they share their stories.

Value Stories

Lärare, musiker - och värderingar.

Hur kan man som lärare jobba med värderingar? Och varför skall man? Och hur kommer musiken in i bilden? Läraren och musikern Christian Tellin är utbildad Point of Value-facilator och han berättar hur och varför han använder värderingar och värdegrundsarbete för att stötta elever att göra medvetna prioriteringar i sina val och samtidigt bli trygga i skolan.

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Value Stories

On the Fly for Peace

He works relentlessly with peace-building and dialogue in the Middle-East, but not through the usual high-level diplomats and politicians. Instead he is engaged in community building where the ability to connect people in dialogue is key. His former skills and experiences as a spatial development manager and strategist in Aleppo, Syria before the war has proven to be very useful in his new life and role during the conflict. Meet Mahmoud Ramadan.

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As certified, you get access to our digital tool Value.Online. You are also part of a dynamic network of international facilitators who get regularly updated via newsletters and invited to workshops and user conferences.

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