• Meet your fellow participants, learn the working methodology of the training and relevant value theories.
• Demonstration of how to facilitate Module 1: My personal values.
Participants meet on their own to facilitate each other before Session 2.
• Reflections and lessons learned from Home Assignment.
• How to use the ranking tool Value.Online.
• Demonstration of how to facilitate Module 2: My life journey.
Participants meet on their own to facilitate each other before Session 3. Individual client work starts.
• Reflections and lessons learned from Home Assignment.
• How to set up a FastTrack.
• Demonstration of how to facilitate Modules 3 and 4: Introduce Myself to the Team and Developing Team Culture.
Participants meet on their own to facilitate each other before Session 4. Individual client work.
• Reflections and lessons learned from Home Assignments.
• How to sequence and work with the entire facilitation process.
• How to work with Dynamic Value Congruence for teams and organisations.
Finalise client work. Write a summary of reflections and learning.
A Certified Value Facilitator leads value processes for others. Through these processes, the participant's own discoveries reveals insight and new perspectives on how that person wants to develop and prioritize in his or her life. The Certified Value Facilitator serves as a guide and companion for this journey toward increased meaning and alignment with oneself. With our training, you will become a Certified Value Facilitator who has the right tools and methods to support personal development in individuals as well as progress towards value congruence for teams and organisations.
Our training is experience-based
Our training is designed for you to practise facilitating others under the experienced guidance of the course leader. Thanks to the feedback from your peers and test clients as well as your own reflections, you quickly build up your ability and confidence as a facilitator. You are ready to start facilitating others within a few weeks.
What does it mean to be a Certified Value Facilitator?
As a Certified Value Facilitator, you have access to a unique tool in the market, Value.Online, and you also have a reliable method for working systematically with values in individual and team settings. And, you become part of a network of international facilitators, which shares support, experience and news through newsletters, social media, workshops and user conferences.
Course scope
The course comprises about 25–30 hours which includes:
• 4 online Training Sessions led by a master trainer.
• 3 self-organised Home Assignement meetings with the other course participants in between the Training Sessions.
• 3 facilitation exercises with your own test clients between the Training Sessions.
Our online bi-weekly training dates are Thursdays at 3–4.30pm CEST.
Preparations before
Before the first training day with the other participants, you do your own facilitation with the course leader who will also inform you about the course structure, exercises, home assignments etc.
Course content
Point of Value’s method consists of three integrated parts, all of which will be explored in the training:
• Value Philosophy
• Facilitation Process
• System
During the training you will learn the philosophy and theories behind the Facilitation Process, and you will received a list of current research and literature that you can immerse yourself in. Through group exercises and individual practice, you will learn the steps in the Facilitation Process and how to work with individuals and teams, all of which is clearly outlined in a Facilitator Manual. Finally, you will go through the Value.Online system and learn how to manage all aspects of the tool.
Course material
The course includes:
• Value.Online rankings for test clients will be provided as part of the course.
• A Facilitator Manual with background and theories, step-by-step description of the Facilitation Process, suggestions on layouts, templates and a detailed instruction on how to use the Value.Online system.
• A Value Congruence Manual with instructions for working with team rankings and the relationship between personal and organisational values.
• Powerpoint presentations
• Half-priced rankings available on completion of the training. (Max. 10 rankings per participant.)
The training to become Certified Value Facilitator is for anyone who is passionate about learning more about how to guide and faciltiate others to explore and practice their values. You may be a consultant or coach looking for a tool to extend and improve your offer to clients. Or you are a leader who wants to learn how to work systematically with building collaborative team cultures in your company. Or you work with HR and see that the Value tool and methodology would be effective for aligning personal and organisational values through a leadership programme.
You will work actively with other participants and your test clients during 25–30 hours over 8 weeks. With your full participation, dedication and commitment to the Certified Value Facilitator training, you will have access to a process, methodology and tool that can support yur effective and meaningful work with individuals and organisations.
The course language is English. Please contact us if you would prefer a course in Swedish, German, Turkish or Spanish.
Accredited by the ICF
The Certified Value Facilitator training is accredited by the ICF and entitles to 13 CCE points and 11 RD points that coaches can use renewing a ICF certification.
Bobby Forshell is the head Master Trainer of the Value Facilitator Training Programme. He has designed, developed and led the training programme since 2016. Bobby Forshell leads training in Swedish and English
Carina Vinberg is a certified Value.Online facilitator, and has for many years helped individuals boost their motivation by matching organisations values with individual´s. She is a PCC coach with the ICF. Carina leads courses in Swedish and English.
Mahmoud Ramadan is the Master Trainer for the MENA-region. He uses the alue facilitation process in his international work e.g supporting women empowerment, peace building and business social engagement BSE. Mahmoud do training in English and Arabic.
Agneta has worked with the tool Value.Online since 2008 - both with individuals and groups. She is a ICF Associate Certified Coach and leads courses in Swedish and English.
Our online bi-weekly training dates are Thursdays at 3–4.30pm CEST.
If you are interested in becoming a Point of Value facilitator,please get in contact with Bobby Forshell, +46 708 60 04 60 or e-mail us
Price for the course is €2.000 + VAT.
How many different values are there? Why do you rank? How are the Meaning Map and Congruence Map constructed? Which theories and research make up the foundation of the tool and methodology of Point of Value? Point of Value – An Introduction is a publication for you who want to know more about values and who are curious about how our tool Value.Online works.
Our customers and partners work with values in many different ways and situations. In the article series Value Stories, they share their stories.
Hur kan man som lärare jobba med värderingar? Och varför skall man? Och hur kommer musiken in i bilden? Läraren och musikern Christian Tellin är utbildad Point of Value-facilator och han berättar hur och varför han använder värderingar och värdegrundsarbete för att stötta elever att göra medvetna prioriteringar i sina val och samtidigt bli trygga i skolan.
Read moreHe works relentlessly with peace-building and dialogue in the Middle-East, but not through the usual high-level diplomats and politicians. Instead he is engaged in community building where the ability to connect people in dialogue is key. His former skills and experiences as a spatial development manager and strategist in Aleppo, Syria before the war has proven to be very useful in his new life and role during the conflict. Meet Mahmoud Ramadan.
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