40 million Scouts in the world
The Scouts of Sweden are part of the international Scout association, preparing young people for life. Being a Scout means experiencing adventure with others, both in a small local community but also in a large international community, simultaneously as growing as a person. In Sweden there are about 68.000 Scouts out of the 40 million in the entire world. The Scouts of Sweden offer the course Value-based Leadership to young leaders within the non-profit sector, both to Scouts and non-Scouts. Every year approximately 70 young leaders, 20-25 years old, go through the leadership training where the focus is on leading groups, lead for diversity, lead for both profit and values, and last but not least: self-leadership. For the entire lifetime of the Value Based Leadership course the Scouts have used Value.Online to identify the values of the young leaders and work with them throughout the programme.
Young leaders with the ambition to make a difference
Peter Röjhammar, concept - and leadership developer at the Scouts of Sweden in Stockholm, has been leading the programme for five years. He sees it as a meaningful way to make a difference in society and enjoys doing so in an organisation matching his own values: courage, caring and willingness to take action. By educating young leaders, 20-25 years old who have the ambition to have a positive impact on the world and support them with tools that enable them to become more conscious leaders, he sees tangible results. It’s clear that after the programme the participants feel more in line with their values, have a deeper understanding of themselves, their strengths and challenges but also understand other people’s needs and behaviours. The participants understand and learn what their core values are so they can lead with them in mind when taking decisions, how to prioritize and to lead others more easily.
Peter Röjhammar clarifies: "We know that a high knowledge of one’s own values gives a higher level of motivation which makes it easier to set up goals to strive for, but also a higher potential to lead others better. And the next generation of leaders are more and more driven by their values and this is a way to make them outspoken and clear. We wanted to use a tool where the participants in an easy way could rank different values to get an overview of their core values, which is exactly what Value.Online does".
Working from the foundation of values gives us a strong core to work from and an easy way to find out, discover and develop one’s leadership.
The Scout association is big and well-known around the world and the Value-Based Leadership programme is an important part of the Scouts of Sweden. How come that Value.Online has been chosen as a primary tool in the programme?
Peter Röjhammar explains: "We use Value.Online as a foundation for the participants to work with their values. Both in the process of ranking different values and make choices, but also to get an overview of their personal values. During the program we use the values to both find the participants' personal leadership style and how they lead, but also to support them in different leadership dilemmas they may have in their roles. We see Value.Online as a good and objective tool to get out your core values, without any valuation of the different values and the prioritizing of them. It’s an eye-opener and an easy way to work with personal values. Working from the foundation of values gives us a strong core to work from and an easy way to find out, discover and develop one’s leadership."
Both the Scouts of Sweden and the Guides and Scouts of Finland use Value.Online in their leadership programme.